The 27ft yacht from Porthcawl RNLI’s earlier launch made a request to HM Coastguard for assistance whilst struggling in rough seas off Nash Point and Barry Dock RNLI’s Shannon was launched to assist.

Following an assessment by the coxswain of Barry Dock lifeboat it was decided the best way to assist the yacht was to take it in tow towards Porthcawl, the nearest safe haven.

Barry Dock lifeboat requested the launch of Porthcawl’s Atlantic 85 in order to take a person off the yacht who was struggling with sea sickness. The Atlantic 85 took the casualty off the yacht and casualty care was provided by the crew and brought them back to Porthcawl.

The Atlantic 85 then proceeded back out to meet Barry Dock and took over the tow of the yacht bringing it back to Porthcawl Marina.
As the Atlantic 85 approached the marina with the yacht in tow, Porthcawl’s D Class lifeboat Hugo Missen was launched to assist with manoeuvring the yacht through the marina gate and to a visitor berth.
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